
This page explains how to run test payments and ensure transfers are working when using the Split Pay Plugin.

You’ll probably want to test the split pay functionality after you’ve activated the plugin.

Make sure you've already followed the Quick Start instructions.

Quick Start

Placing a Test Order

Enable TEST mode in the WooCommerce Stripe plugin settings.

Open your store, add a product to the cart, and place a test order using Stripe testing card 4242424242424242 with any future expiration date and CVC.

Click Place order and make sure you reach the order confirmation page:

Next, log into your Stripe account.

Click Payments, then click View test data:

You should see your test payment:

Next, click Connect, then click on the connected account you’re using for testing:

Scroll down to the Money Movement section and click Transfers.

There you will see the amount transferred from your platform account to your connected account!

Last updated