
Here are a wide variety of examples mixing and matching the various split pay options with percentages or fixed amounts and global vs product-specific or variable product transfers.

Split Transfers with Global Percentage and Product-Specific Percentage

For example, let’s say you’ve set your Default Global Transfer percentage to 10% and a customer places an order for these two products:

Product NameProduct PriceProduct-Specific Split Value

1 Hour Online Training



10 Minute Consultation


None set (defaults to Global)

Here’s how the split would be calculated:

Product PriceSplit PercentageTransfer Amount


15% (product-specific)



10% (global default)


Total Transfer Amount:


Split Transfers with Global Percentage and Product-Specific Fixed Amount

For example, let’s say you’ve set your Default Global Transfer percentage to 10% and a single Product-Specific Fixed amount at $25 and a customer places an order for these two products:

Product NameProduct PriceProduct-Specific Split Value

1 Hour Online Training


None set (defaults to Global)

10 Minute Consultation



Here’s how the split would be calculated:

Product PriceSplit ValueTransfer Amount


10% (global default)





Total Transfer Amount



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